
Android studio spinner position
Android studio spinner position

android studio spinner position

L’élément par défaut qui est sélectionné dans le spinner est le premier élément de la liste que nous allons créer pour être affiché dans le spinner. The words in both string are always different.īTW: I know how to save the position in a spinner, but I don't know how to set the position in a spinner if I compare two strings and one of them contains more words.Spinner est utilisé dans de nombreuses applications Android pour afficher plusieurs options dans une liste déroulante et l’utilisateur pourra sélectionner une option spécifique dans la liste donnée.

android studio spinner position

I make a spinner from first string so options in spinner are populated exactly like this: "red, blue, yellow, black, white" and the default selected option is red (because it happens to be the first one in my first string), but I need to make yellow as the default selected option in this case, because second string contains "yellow". And I need to make this particular word (which exists in both files) as the default chosen option in my spinner.įirst string contains: red, blue, yellow, black, white

android studio spinner position

And this word is the same as one of the words which I had read from the first file (for example, if the first file which I read contained 5 words and one of these words was "black", the second file which I read also contains "black"). Then I made a spinner from this string.Ĭode is as follows: Spinner spinner = new Spinner(this) ĪrrayAdapter spinnerArrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item, yourString.split(" ")) Then I put this text (the mentioned words) into a SINGLE string and saved that string to shared preferences. I read with BufferedReader text from a system file this text contains, for example, 5 WORDS, but in another case it can contain fewer or more words.

Android studio spinner position